Friday, May 15, 2009

UK Times article online about the shooting + Balkan National-Anarchist gang leader

By Dunk
Fri Apr 17, 2009 22:27

Irishman killed after 'plot to assassinate Bolivian president'
An Irishman gunned down by an elite army unit during a botched attempt to assassinate Evo Morales, the President of Bolivia, was accused today of being a soldier of fortune serving with an extremist Balkans group.

The alleged assassins detonated a grenade inside a hotel to which they had fled, blowing out its windows amid the gunfight, according to police. Three of the suspects, identified by state media as Hungarian, Irish and Bolivian, were killed.

It seems a bit dodgy though, as all 3 of the dead were found in their boxers, which seems there was no long fire fight in the building they fled into, but that they were shot, watch the vid on from Bolivia TV - PAT BOLIVIA which is on the Hungarian blog to get a very visual account of the proceedings. BEWARE, it is full on.
much vids are on PAT BOLIVIA´s youtube site:

Heres a summing up vid:
PAT BOLIVIA - Informe Final Policial Caso Terorrista

The comments on the site are leading to lots of very strange and some well fucked up links. It seems the leader of the Balkan mercenary ultra right gang, Eduardo Rosza Flores, who did aid work in sudan and iraq and who has done journalist work for BBC and La Vanguardia in Spain and whose Dad is a supposedly famous artist, was in oped dei and then turned to islam, goes under the political banner of beyond national socialism (nazism) to national anarchism (wiki - )

other links etc:

and more