Confirmed: Michael "The Jackal" Dwyer- shot dead in Bolivia. PERHAPS in coup attempt on Morales

Michael "The Jackal" Dwyer (second from left) playing gun games with friends before Bolivian blood bath
Confirmed: Michael "The Jackal" Dwyer- shot dead in Bolivia, perhaps wrong place wrong time?
By Dunk
Fri Apr 17, 2009 19:42
The real Michael Dwyer has been sourced. He was a 24 year old from Ballinderry, co Tip, he was into guns, signed himself "The Jeckel" on his Bebo site, seemed harmless and perhaps ended up in the wrong place at wrong time. But, perhaps he got a bit too interested in gun games, eitherway he ended up dead with professional Croat and or Hungarian mercenarys linked to ultra right fascist paramilitary groups, so who knows? The Department of Foreign Affairs says an official from its embassy in Argentina is travelling to Bolivia to check things out and confirm his identity. His dead body is the front page on Todays El mundo paper in Bolivia, the paper also has a detailed article with timeline of the events which led to the shoot out in Santa Cruz.
He was first linked from politics.ie site by Mr Crowley from Tyrone who later states "grew up watching friends die violent deaths and politicians gloating about it on the TV so I can understand what his friends are feeling. .":
Pictures of a Michael Dwyer gun fetishist who has recently been in Bolivia with a link to his bebo on this site. I think it's him alright as there is an 'RIP bro' message from one of his buddies.
He looks like a right tosser, only 24 too.
Which links to Latino site, Inca Cola, in which there has been posted:
Is this the Irish would-be assassin of Evo Morales?
Sure fits. Thanks to some quick work by reader RM, check out this Bebo page on a certain Michael Dwyer. ( http://www.bebo.com/Profile.jsp?MemberId=940012793 )
Let's check the points in common
1) Is Irish
2) Loves guns and fancies himself as a sniper
3) Is definitely in South America and according to messages left by friends is in Bolivia
4) Has Bruce Willis's "The Jackal" as the answer to his "What kind of Assassin are You?" profile box
5) Thinks he's hard
6) Member of an Irish battlefield simulation club
Sure looks like a possible to me. Has anyone seen this man mooching round Santa Cruz recently? Well sure looks that way, as this photo from his Bebo album has him placed in the eastern Bolivia area 116 days ago.
Plenty of discussion on politics.ie about this guy, much of it heated over photos etc, heres some of it:
Reading his bebo page is quite sad actually. He seems to be a young man with notions, not a fascist coup-monger. He seems to have a lot of friends in Tipp who missed him... I'm wondering now how involved he was or whether he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
You have to wonder how the hell he got recruited into this 'new job and new BMW'. He was obviously lured some way or another and there should be an investigation to see if this is linked to anyone in Ireland.
There are messages on his site from friends and from what I assume is his sister over the last few weeks worrying about him and asking when he will be coming home.
It would be pretty pathetic to be getting ready to assassinate the President of a country while completing 'what assassin are you' surveys on your bebo.
the shoot out happended in a hotel. Would it be possible that he met up with some gun enthusiasts that were members of some group and he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
you people how dare you - you do not know Mike Dwyer i do and u are sick people for looking at his bebo and commenting on his pictures. for the record he was not a terrorist or involved in the IRA as previous comments have sugessted he was 24 yrs old he was in the wrong place at the wrong time
By the way, my condolences to you, it is very sad that someone so young should die in this way and so far from home, and must be devastating for his family.
If you knew him then you have here a perfect opportunity to set the record straight. You could start by answering these questions:
- 1. How did he come to be in Bolivia, who hired him and how?
- 2. What was his 'new job' that enabled him to drive a 'new BMW' as he stated on his bebo site?
Hungarian online paper gives summary in English and short vid. In it the gang leader, Rozsa-Flores, had been in contact with a Hungarian with an Irish surname, Zoltan Brady, perhaps this is the connection which brought Micheal Dwyer into the picture?
Hungarians involved in plot against Bolivian president - VIDEO
The Bolivian El Deber news agency reported on its website that police had circled the group in Hotel Las Americas in Santa Cruz in the early hours of Thursday, killing Eduardo Rozsa Flores, Arpad Magyarosi ands Michael Martin Dwyer, and arresting Mario Tadic and Elod Toaso.
Bolivian Vice-President Alvaro Garcia Linera branded the group as championing a "far-right fascist ideology" and blamed them for former bomb attacks on the house of a minister and a cardinal. The vice-president claimed that they were plotting to kill President Morales.
Rozsa-Flores acted the lead in a Hungarian feature film shot in 2001 under the title "Chico". He was born in Santa Cruz in 1960 of a Hungarian father and Spanish mother. The family moved to Chile in 1972, then to Sweden and, in 1975, to Hungary.
Graduating from a Hungarian university and dubbing himself a "conservative, anarchist world revolutionary," he fought in the Croatian war in the early 1990s. In recognition of his heroism, Croatian President Franjo Tudjman promoted him to the rank of major.
It seems Irish media has still not named the dead Irish man. An RTE piece here contains the latest report and an audio file about the goings on. It talks about the history of Irish acting as illegal mercenarys in coup attempts and legal security firms
Irish official travels to Bolivia amid claimshttp://www.rte.ie/news/2009/0417/bolivia.html
Heres Evo Morales denouncing the mercanary act on Bolivia TV
Evo Morales - atentados y hechos de terrorismo en Santa Cruz - Abr. 2009
Alberto Farfán - vice prime minister of the government, speaks about the goings on
3 terroristas son abatidos, 2 son detenidos y se descubre un arsenal en Santa Cruz - Abr 2009
What ever the outcome of how connected Micheal Dwyer was, we will see. But playing army and the tough man, in some cases, does lead to getting mixed up with lots of messy dark things, including full on fascist action, some sentiments of which were expressed on politics.ie.
No to wars, imperialism, exploitation.
Yes to Justice, Peace, peoples revolution for a better world.
Viva Bolivia and all her people, their camino is showing a way toward a healthier, more sustainable and Just World