What's happening in Bolivia? - Indymedia Ireland
Racism, Violence and Neo Nazism: Politics as usual in Santa Cruz Boliv... Police chief Hugo Escobar said two Hungarians and one Bolivian were killed in ... - 195k - Cached
By the Irish News
By Dunk
Thu Apr 16, 2009 21:56
Morales claims assassination bid
Bolivian President Evo Morales said today that security forces had thwarted a plan to assassinate him along with top officials, killing three foreigners in a half-hour shootout at a hotel.
Police chief Hugo Escobar said two Hungarians and one Bolivian were killed in the shootout in the Bolivian city of Santa Cruz.
Noam Chomsky on the Global Economic Crisis, Health Care, U.S. Foreign Policy and Resistance to American Empire
Latin America, for the first time in 500 years, is moving towards a degree of independence and a kind of integration, which is a prerequisite for independence
Bolivia is, in my opinion at least, probably the most democratic country in the world. Nobody says that, but if you look at what happened in the last couple of years, there were huge, popular, mass organizations of the most repressed population in the hemisphere, the indigenous population, which for the first time ever has entered the political arena significantly and were able to elect a president from their own ranks and one who doesn’t give instructions to his army, but who’s following policies that were largely produced by the population. So he’s their representative, in a sense in which democracy is supposed to work.
And they know the issues. It’s not like our elections. They know the issues. They’re serious issues: control over resources, economic justice, cultural rights, and so on. You can say they’re right or wrong, but at least it’s functioning.
Film about Bolivia and much more from the inspirational continent of Latin America
The War On Democracy A film by John Pilger (09/10/2007 )
New film from award-winning documentary maker John Pilger which suggests that, far from bringing democracy to the world as it claims, the US is doing its best to stifle its progress. Talking exclusively to American government officials, including agents who reveal for the first time on film how the CIA ran its war in Latin America in the 80s, Pilger argues that true popular democracy is more likely to be found among the poorest in Latin America, whose movements are often ignored in the West.
Michael Dwyer - fake name of old United Irishmen republican?
by dunk Fri Apr 17, 2009 09:40
Michael Dwyer (1772–1825) was a Society of the United Irishmen leader in the 1798 rebellion. He later fought a guerilla campaign against the British Army in the Wicklow Mountains from 1798-1803. Dwyer was a cousin of Anne Devlin who would later achieve fame for her loyalty to the rebel cause following the suppression of Robert Emmet's rebellion.
"Michael Dwyer" one of John Perkins´ "Jackal" friends
By Dunk: Fri Apr 17, 2009 13:58
John Perkins spoke nearly 2 years ago on Democracy Now about how the dark world of “the jackals” and international assisination worked, especially in the region of Latin America, (as earlier outlined in the Pilger film) which the US tried to dominate, and now looks like it has failed. Only days ago, another country, one which saw horrific terrorism from US sponsored groups in the past, El Salvador, voted in another latino leftist governement. As the Guardian outlines::
Last Sunday's election in El Salvador, in which the leftist FMLN (Farabundo Martí Front for National Liberation) won the presidency, didn't get a lot of attention in the international press. It's a relatively small country (7 million people on land the size of Massachusetts) and fairly poor (per capita income about half the regional average). And left governments have become the norm in Latin America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela have all elected left governments over the last decade. (Also leftist regimes/ governments include Chile, Cuba and Nicaragua) South America is now more independent of the United States than Europe is.
Anyway, back to Evo in Bolivia. Were his and his country peoples standing up against economic imperialism too much for the powers? Heres possible hows and whys that have led to the death of "Michael Dwyer":
...And it’s interesting that in the few instances when economic hit men fail, what we call “the jackals,” who are people who come in to overthrow governments or assassinate their leaders, also come out of private industry. These are not CIA employees. We all have this image of the 007, the government agent hired to kill, you know, with license to kill, but these days the government agents, in my experience, don’t do that. It’s done by private consultants that are brought in to do this work. And I’ve known a number of these individuals personally and still do.
Some time later, and to a far wider audience, his views were expressed on the controversial second Zeitgeist film (part 1 was a cult conspiracy theory film that was highest watched film on google video for a while).
Part II is a documentary-style interview with The New York Times best-selling author and activist John Perkins based on his book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, in which he describes his role as a self-described economic hit man. In that capacity, he claims to have helped the CIA, as well as various corporate and political entities, to undermine or corrupt foreign regimes that put the interests of their populations before those of transnational corporations. Perkins denies the existence of a conspiracy, because he sees the U.S. as a corporatocracy, in which there is no need for a plot, as politicians like Dick Cheney (who first served as the head of a construction company Halliburton and afterwards became Vice President) are alleged of working under the same primary assumption as corporations: that maximisation of profits is first priority, regardless of any social or environmental cost.
Democracy Now (June 05, 2007) John Perkins on “The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption”
How To Destabalize Countries Legally .Economic Hitman Part 1
John Perkins section on google video
El Salvador votes away its bad past
The left's electoral victory put an end to US meddling and proved that Salvadoran democracy is no regional threat
Further coverage:
RTE + tv : Irish person implicated in Morales plot
Guardian: Bolivian police shoot dead Irish man over alleged plot to kill president
Suspects from Hungary and Croatia, as well as Ireland, suspected of attempting to assassinate president Evo Morales
La Razon: Evo instruyó el operativo de Santa Cruz y dice que querían acribillarlo

Latin America is now more independent of the US than Europe