Sunday, May 17, 2009

B. Marincovich el croata separatista que declaró la guerra al Gobierno de Bolivia

Branko Marinkovic

Autonomia para los ricos, revolucion para los pobres [1]

Bolivia - Santa Cruz - Racismo

Limpieza étnica en Santa Cruz

Federico Peña (*)

Buenos Aires, 5 de enero de 2009

Terrateniente, banquero, industrial, político. Branco Marinkovic (1967, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia), está presente en la vida de la región cruceña desde todos sus puntos cardinales. Su familia, de origen croata, recaló en el oriente boliviano después de la II Guerra Mundial.

Hoy Branco es el rostro visible, blanco y exitoso, de la poderosa burguesía local. Reclama autonomía, pero se le acusa de secesionista, de querer balcanizar Bolivia desde su Departamento más rico. Es el croata en guerra con los indios. Es la némesis del presidente Evo Morales.

Pero, ¿quién es Marinkovic? Sus padres, Silvio y Radmila, huyeron de la Yugoslavia de Tito tras haber apoyado el régimen nazi en Croacia. "Escaparon hace 50 años. Cuando yo era chico, iba a Yugoslavia y allí veía los radicalismos del régimen comunista", recuerda Marinkovic. La mera idea del socialismo pregonado por Evo Morales se le atraganta. Admira a Estados Unidos, donde estudió ingeniería, y desprecia al presidente venezolano, Hugo Chávez.

Su familia llegó sin nada a Bolivia e hizo las Américas en pocos años. Los gobiernos de derecha, sobre todo los militares, les beneficiaron y concedieron créditos a fondo perdido, tierras y privilegios sociales a las élites cruceñas. Silvio Marinkovic se vinculó a ellos y, en menos de una generación, levantó un emporio empresarial.

Branco es su heredero. Sus propiedades incluyen hoy unas 10.000 hectáreas para cada uno de sus cultivos (arroz, soja, girasol y maíz), además de unas 15.000 cabezas de ganado.

Sólo la fábrica de aceite IOL emplea a 400 personas y mueve anualmente 100 millones de dólares. A esta lista, Marinkovic le añade la propiedad del Banco Económico y unos ingresos anuales de unos 300 millones de dólares.

A nadie escapa que Marinkovic es quien tiene el cetro del poder de Santa Cruz. Desde el estratégico asiento que ocupa en la presidencia del Comité Cívico pro Santa Cruz, sumado a su rol empresarial, su figura ensombrece a la de su predecesor, el prefecto (gobernador) Rubén Costas.

Si el gobierno boliviano encarna el nuevo espíritu indígena que rige en Bolivia y que reclama el fin de siglos de explotación, Marinkovic es el gurú que dirige las almas de los cruceños, preocupados por mantener sus privilegios históricos.

En “Los barones del Oriente, el poder en Santa Cruz ayer y hoy”, los investigadores Ximena Soruco, Wilfredo Plata y Gustavo Madeiros identifican al Comité Cívico como "el brazo político fundamental de la élite intelectual", sobre el que se asienta la idea de pertenencia a la comunidad cruceña.

Una identidad que, puesta al servicio del estatuto de autonomía aprobado en 2008 por referéndum ilegal según el gobierno de bolivia, articula a la sociedad local detrás de los intereses de su clase dominante. El objetivo de esta élite es perpetuar sus privilegios.

Racismo hacia los Nativos

Para ello, los intelectuales, que "profesan un racismo visceral antiindio", se apropiaron de los símbolos indígenas y blanquearon al camba (indio) para convertirlo en el resultado del mestizaje con los criollos.

Hoy, muchos indígenas cruceños se miran en el espejo y ven a un camba. Insultan al aymara (etnia indígena), a sus propias raíces, para reafirmar la identidad blancocéntrica. En cambio, Marinkovic representa la visión civilizada, moderna, productiva y globalizadora que la élite local presenta de sí misma.

De hecho, el núcleo duro del estatuto tiene como pilares los capítulos dedicados a los recursos naturales. Se trata de un mecanismo para frenar la reforma agraria que intenta eliminar el latifundio, este objetivo del gobierno es mera retórica pues llevarlo a la práctica es imposible, al menos de momento y controlar los ingresos procedentes del gas, cuyo 80% está concentrado en Tarija y Santa Cruz.

"Claro que es un blindaje contra las reformas", opina la socióloga Claudia Peña. Un blindaje contra la nueva Constitución, que será sometida a referéndum el 25 de enero, y consagra los derechos indígenas a la tierra, al reconocimiento de su lengua y su cultura. También prevé que no puedan existir latifundios (no define su extensión) ni tierras improductivas.

Este es un capítulo que desvela a Marinkovic. Según el Viceministerio de Tierras, el líder cruceño se ha apropiado ilegalmente de 26.951 hectáreas que corresponden a la Tierras Comunitarias de Origen de Guarayos. La misma acusación pende sobre otros latifundios, obtenidos de la persecución y esclavización de chiquitanos y quechuas.


"Si el Gobierno no cede, habrá guerra civil. Ellos tienen ahora la palabra", clamó Marinkovic el año pasado. Sus amenazas dan bríos a quienes le acusan de estar a la cabeza de un ejército en Santa Cruz para balcanizar y dividir el territorio boliviano si avanza la Constitución de La Paz. Marinkovic lo niega. Pero vuelve a amenazar: "Si nos atacan, lo que yo pienso que no sucederá, tendrán que salir escapando de nuestra ciudad. Esto lo garantizo".

Al margen del supuesto ejército, Marinkovic financia y manda sobre la denominada Unión Juvenil Cruceñista (UJC). Este grupo parapolicial, que se mueve en modernas camionetas 4X4 con la esvástica nazi, se dedica a atacar a quienes rechazan el modelo autonómico propuesto por los cívicos.

En las calles de las zonas más acomodadas de Santa Cruz es común leer pintadas que rezan "haga patria, mate un indio". Nadie las quita. Algunas están gastadas de viejas. Aquí, ser blanco es un privilegio. Branco es el más blanco de todos.

Los unionistas están detrás. También de los bloqueos de carreteras y de los ataques a indígenas. Esta promoción del racismo ha sido denunciada por la Federación Internacional de Derechos Humanos, con sede en París.

Pero Marinkovic, que ha criticado a los ponchos rojos como el supuesto brazo armado del gobierno de Bolivia, justifica la acción de la UJC. Tras cada enfrentamiento y algunos de ellos acabaron con muertos, como el domingo 4 de mayo de 2008 durante la jornada de votación del Estatuto Marinkovic ha respondido que la sangre derramada ha respondido a una "provocación".

(*) Tomado del Diario Público de España (

Bolivia-Agresiones racistas en Santa Cruz

El Lado Oculto de la "Autonomía" en Bolivia

Bolivia Desagüe de Gitanos Croatas Ustachas

Bolivia Desagüe de Gitanos Croatas Ustachas

Los gitanos croatas bolivianos, se han convertido en los más activos en el plan para desintegrar al Estado. El más visible enemigo de los nativos bolivianos, de la mayoría originaria de Bolivia es el escapado a EEUU o US: Branko Marinkovic.

Por:  Mr. K.

Las iluminaciones (fotos) pertenecen al blog Comité Cívico pro Santa Cruz, Bolivia

Technorati Profile

- ¿Y quiénes son los croatas descendientes de los Ustachas? 
Es mejor reconocerlos por sus apellidos: Marinkovic, Radic, Kuljis, Kukoc, Klinsky, Music, Tadic, Akalinovic, Matkovic, Petricevic, Martinic, Sitic, Maticevic y otros.

1. No hay duda que existe un complot subversivo para balcanizar Bolivia. La punta de lanza de este proceso lo constituye la Autonomía de Santa Cruz y las réplicas en Beni, Pando, Tarija y Chuquisaca.
2. La “balcanización” de Bolivia parece haber comenzado con el directo asesoramiento del embajador de Estados Unidos, Philip Goldberg, el 13 de octubre de 2006, dice Fortunato Esquivel en un reciente envío en línea “¿Quiénes son los Croatas?”
3. Poco antes, se había desempeñado como jefe de misión en las negociaciones para desintegrar Yugoslavia e imponer el “Acuerdo de Rambouillet”, que dio lugar a la ocupación de Kosovo (provincia de Serbia).
4. El “Acuerdo de Rambouillet” tiene un parecido muy cercano con los Estatutos Autonómicos que el Comité Pro Santa Cruz pretende imponer por la fuerza a través de un ilegal referéndum convocado para el próximo 4 de mayo.
5. Esquivel sospecha que el embajador Goldberg, les trajo una copia de este acuerdo a los líderes autonomistas de Santa Cruz, para que sea adaptado a la realidad cruceña.
6. A este punto, el articulista se pregunta: “quiénes son éstos extranjeros que desde su llegada no cambiaron ni sus nombres ni se mezclaron con los bolivianos y por el contrario mantienen su “raza”, casándose sólo entre croatas, serbios y otros de su procedencia?”

Los prefectos de la Media Luna Creciente y el pretexto del IDH.

7. Entre los que llegaron por las alcantarillas de la “Vía de las Ratas”, estuvieron Klaus Barbie, Ante Pavelic, Adolf Eichmann, Henrich Muller, Franz Stangl y otros que en total superaron las 30.000 personas, muchas de ellas asentadas en Argentina, Paraguay, Chile y las selvas bolivianas.
8. “Estos fanáticos racistas que desprecian a los que no son miembros de la ‘raza blanca’, se instalaron en las selvas bolivianas, sobre todo en la pequeña ciudad de Santa Cruz que estaba al borde de la civilización poco después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial”, comenta.
9. Los Ustachas llegaron a ocultarse de la justicia europea (…) hasta que les llegó (…) la oportunidad con el golpe militar de 1971 que encumbró en el poder a Hugo Banzer, un coronel de ascendencia alemana.
10. “Su ideología ultra-derechista, ofreció suficiente aliciente y garantía para que los croatas y alemanes nazis, hicieran llover sobre Santa Cruz, inversiones de dineros que tenían ocultos en algún lugar”, aclara Esquivel.
11. Durante casi veinte años, surgió una burguesía que invirtió en la agropecuaria, pero también en la fabricación de cocaína, convirtiendo a Bolivia en uno de los principales productores mundiales.
12. “Santa Cruz, salió del atraso en base a capitales, conocimientos técnicos y experiencia administrativa de croatas y alemanes que aprovecharon la mano de obra barata de migrantes del occidente del país”.
13. Esquivel asegura que es preciso diferenciar a las colonias que llegaron antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, de las fascistas que lo hicieron después. “Existen en Bolivia, yugoslavos que aglutinan a serbios, croatas, bosnios, albanos y macedonios que no son fascistas”, sostiene.

Rubén Costas está más empecinado en ser Gobernador de Santa Cruz y nada más.

14. Los gitanos croatas bolivianos se han convertido en los más activos en el plan para desintegrar al Estado.
15. El grupo denominado “Nación Camba”, conformado por croatas, alemanes, libaneses y algunos que aún sienten la presunta raza pura española en sus genes, han tomado el símbolo de la Media Luna , en alusión a la Media Luna croata que en 1482, fue el último bastión europeo contra el avasallamiento del Imperio Otomano.
16. Estos (…) lograron convencer a los dirigentes cívicos de Santa Cruz, Tarija, Beni, Pando y sus prefectos a luchar, no contra los Otomanos, sino contra los Kollas, a quienes identifican como enemigos del progreso y para ello levantaron el justificativo de la autonomía con o sin Bolivia. Lo que claramente, apunta al separatismo, tal como se logró en Kosovo con el “Acuerdo de Rambouillet”.
17. “¿Y quiénes son los gitanos croatas descendientes de los Ustachas en Bolvia?, es mejor reconocerlos por sus apellidos: Marinkovic, Radic, Kuljis, Kukoc, Klinsky, Music, Tadic, Akalinovic, Matkovic, Petricevic, Martinic, Sitic, Maticevic, Yasic, Blancovich, Popovich, Dervic Drago, Ratch, y otros.”

Escrito por Mr. K.

Las iluminaciones (fotos) pertenecen al blog Comité Cívico pro Santa Cruz, Bolivia


El vicepresidente boliviano Álvaro García Linera advirtió que el Gobierno del Presidente Evo Morales será “firme, contundente, implacable e inmisericorde contra quienes atenten contra la integridad territorial del país”.

La Nación de Chile (

"Si ellos, el Gobierno (de La Paz), no permiten la autonomía de Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz está dispuesta a separarse de Bolivia (a través de) métodos pacíficos, pero demostrando fuerza". Así de claras y contundentes fueron las declaraciones del abatido presunto mercenario croata-húngaro-boliviano Eduardo Rózsa Flores, al referirse a las razones por las que se trasladó a Sudamérica a fines del año pasado.
Sin dar nombres, Rózsa -que luchó por el lado croata en la guerra de los Balcanes en los ’90- señaló en una entrevista realizada en septiembre de 2008 y difundida en la noche del martes, que había sido contactado para "organizar la defensa y resistencia" del díscolo departamento del oriente boliviano. Ello, en momentos en que el país vivía un álgido conflicto interno, cuando incluso se especuló sobre una guerra civil de no lograrse un acuerdo sobre la implementación de las autonomías departamentales.
"Estamos dispuestos, dentro de unos meses, en el caso de que la coexistencia no funcione y en virtud de la autonomía, a proclamar la independencia (de Santa Cruz) y crear un nuevo país", afirmó Rózsa al periodista Andras Kepes, del canal estatal MTV. "Las organizaciones proveerán el financiamiento y las armas, las mismas que se obtendrán al margen de la ley. Probablemente desde Brasil, porque en Bolivia el comercio de armas no es legal".
Estas frases, que confirmarían las denuncias de separatismo efectuadas por el Presidente Evo Morales en contra de la elite santacruceña, quizá nunca habrían sido difundidas de no ser por el hecho de que el hombre de triple nacionalidad le hizo jurar al reportero que sólo saldrían al aire en caso de que le sucediera algo. Y el jueves, junto al rumano Mayaro Ariad y el irlandés Duayer Michel Martin, Rózsa respondió con armas de fuego a un allanamiento de la policía, resultando muertos. En el operativo también fueron aprehendidos el boliviano Mario Tadik y el húngaro Iedad Tóasó, hoy encarcelados en La Paz.
Ese mismo día, los agentes hallaron -en un depósito ferial santacruceño- un arsenal que presumiblemente sería utilizado para perpetrar atentados.
Investigación internacional
Una vez emitida la entrevista, el Ejecutivo boliviano no tardó en reaccionar, reafirmando ayer la acusación contra los dirigentes políticos, cívicos y económicos de Santa Cruz. En declaraciones al santacruceño diario El Deber, el ministro de Gobierno (Interior), Alfredo Rada, señaló que Rózsa "sabía que estaba viniendo a matar y que podría morir en el intento, el cálculo estaba en su lógica".
A su vez, el vicepresidente Álvaro García Linera, advirtió que la administración de Evo Morales será "firme, contundente, implacable e inmisericorde contra quienes atenten contra la integridad territorial del país".
Desestimando las palabras de García Linera el acérrimo detractor del Presidente y dirigente cívico de Santa Cruz, Branko Marincovic sostuvo: "Las acusaciones contra (nosotros) son normales y van a seguir haciéndolas, porque el Gobierno se siente impotente". Además, exigió una investigación internacional con presencia del FBI, España y Colombia para evitar -según él- una manipulación política.
Paralelamente, el embajador de Hungría en Argentina, Matyás Jozsa, quien se trasladó a La Paz para obtener información sobre la muerte de su compatriota, aclaró ayer que ni su Ejecutivo ni el de Irlanda apoyan el terrorismo, ni los atentados contra Evo Morales.


Dwyer one of Branko Marinkovic´s men + the bomb vid

By Dunk Tue Apr 28, 2009 17:14 Bolivians link Dwyer to boss behind mercenary gang Irish Examiner, By Stephen Rogers Tuesday, April 21, 2009 BOLIVIAN authorities believe Irishman Michael Dwyer and two others gunned down by security forces following an alleged plot to kill the president last week were working for a rich local businessman (Branko Marinkovic) who wants to divide the country. Serbian media yesterday reported that Bolivian officials had linked Dwyer, Eduardo Rosza Flores and Magyarosi Árpád to the businessman who is of Croat descent and who, they believe, is fighting for the autonomy of rich provinces in the South American country. The businessman, whose father is a Croat and mother is Montenegrin, allegedly organised terrorists and brought in Montenegrin mercenaries, according to Serbian newspaper Blic. Dwyer was shot six times. (not correct due to latest autopsy findings) Meanwhile, US President Barack Obama has rejected any suggestion that the alleged plot to kill Bolivian President Evo Morales was in any way backed by his country’s embassy. Croats in Bolivia accuse of conspiracy to divide the country Hrvate u Boliviji optužuju za zaveru za podelu zemlje BLIC : translation: Croatian media reported that the Bolivian government assassination connect with Branko Marinkovic, a rich businessman Croatian-Montenegrin origin and Head of the opposition, which advocates autonomy for the rich provinces. Bolivian state media claim that the manufacturer Marinkovic, whose father is a Croat, a mother Crnogorka Radmila Jovicevic, organized by the alleged terrorists. Simon Romero, Head of dopisništva "New York Times" from Bolivia, said the Croatian media that the journalists investigated rumors that leads Marinković mercenaries from Montenegro. Plot Foiled? In Bolivia, Truth Is Elusive SIMON ROMERO, New York Times “These terrorists were connected to an ideology of the extreme fascist right,” said Álvaro García Linera, a former Marxist guerrilla who is Bolivia’s vice president. But the episode, with its dash of Balkan intrigue, remains far from an open-and-shut case of right versus left. Meanwhile, the killings have raised a raft of nettlesome questions. Who backed such a group? How did officials detect them? Why did Mr. Morales send the police all the way from the capital, La Paz, to deal with them? And exactly what was a man like Mr. Rozsa Flores, at turns a poet and a war correspondent before his foray into the Balkan killing fields, doing back in Santa Cruz? Mr. Rozsa Flores abandoned journalistic objectivity and took sides. He commanded volunteers fighting for Croatia in the early 1990s, but his battlefield experience was marred by claims that he oversaw the murder of a Briton and a Swiss citizen. Returning to Hungary after the war, Mr. Rozsa Flores converted to Islam, a shift from his earlier association with Opus Dei, the conservative Roman Catholic group. And he found a new political obsession, explaining in a television interview last year with a Hungarian journalist that he was moving to Bolivia to organize a militia. “There is a need for weapons,” he said in the interview, which was broadcast for the first time in Hungary last week after his killing, “so it isn’t about the boys marching in the streets with flags and bamboo sticks.” (How well was Dwyer aware of this? Did he support it the full hog, getting the tattoo to boot?) Mr. Rozsa Flores went further in the interview, saying his goal was not toppling Mr. Morales, but achieving autonomy for Santa Cruz, Bolivia’s wealthiest department, or province. Envisioning a clash with capital La Paz over this issue, he nonchalantly described his goal as “declaring independence and creating a new country.” Such assertions fit well into the way Mr. Morales’s government portrays Santa Cruz: as a region where powerful industrialists and bankers, some of them descendants of Croatian immigrants, want to secede from Bolivia in a rupture inspired by Yugoslavia’s disintegration. Times - Postmortem shows Dwyer was killed by single gunshot MICHAEL DWYER, the Tipperary man who was shot dead by police in Bolivia, died from a single gunshot wound to the chest, an initial postmortem examination has indicated. The body of the 24-year-old was so badly decomposed that his identity had to be confirmed using dental records. Family of man shot in Bolivia wait on result of post mortem Journalists at a press conference in La Paz were shown a video reportedly of Michael Dwyer discussing how to assassinate Bolivian president Evo Morales. State prosecutor Marcelo Sosa told reporters the footage shows the Irishman with Eduardo Rózsa Flores and Arpad Magyaros discussing a bomb attack against Mr Morales on Lake Titicaca. Mr Sosa, who is tasked with investigating the killings of the men, said the three-minute mobile phone video shows the men talking about blowing up a boat with Bolivian ministers on board. Local reports said the video was supplied by a man linked to Eduardo Rózsa Flores. Tribune - Dwyer funeral to be held after post-mortem Indo - Dwyers welcome post mortem after son's shooting death vid: Dwyer bomb plotting in bolivia? TV bolivia, outlining Dwyer in red

Fiscal cita a líderes de la institucionalidad

Proceso. El prefecto Rubén Costas, el presidente de los empresarios, Pedro Yovhío, el titular de la CAO, Mauricio Roca, y el cívico Guido Náyar, entre otros dirigentes, fueron llamados a declarar por el caso Rózsa
Pablo Ortiz |

El testigo clave tiene un amplio expediente policial

El Fiscal Mauricio Sosa, que investiga el caso de supuesto terrorismo en Santa Cruz, involucró anoche a Rubén Costas, prefecto de Santa Cruz; Branko Marinkovic, ex presidente del Comité pro Santa Cruz; Pedro Yovhío, presidente de la Federación de Empresarios Privados; Guido Nayar, vicepresidente del Comité pro Santa Cruz; Mauricio Roca, presidente de la Cámara de Industria y Comercio; Juan Kudelka Zallez, gerente de markerting de la aceitera IOL; Lucio Áñez, general retirado, y a los ex gerentes cívicos Lorgio Balcázar Arroyo y Mario Bruno, entre otros dirigentes, autoridades y empresarios, en la red de supuestos contactos y financiadores del presunto terrorista Eduardo Rózsa Flores. Todos ellos deberán presentarse en La Paz en los próximos días.

Estas acusaciones y anuncios de citación a declarar fueron hechas por Sosa sobre la base de las declaraciones de cuatro personas detenidas en La Paz: el boliviano-croata Mario Tadic Aztorga y los supuestos cómplices bolivianos Juan Carlos Gueder Bruno, Alcides Mendoza Malavi e Ignacio Villa Vargas. Este último es considerado por la Fiscalía como su testigo clave y tiene un frondoso expediente de antecedentes penales (ver nota de apoyo). Por su parte, Gueder y Villa negociaron su liberación de la cárcel de San Pedro por detención domiciliaria, a cambio de cooperar con las investigaciones.

Consultado al respecto, Marinkovic negó las acusaciones y adelantó que apelará a tribunales internacionales para tratar de conseguir justicia. Yovhío, por su parte, aseguró que el sector empresarial no hizo nada ilegal y que permanecerá en el país para cualquier requerimiento. Nayar se abstuvo de responder a las acusaciones.

El Secretario de Autonomía de la Prefectura cruceña, Carlos Dabdoub, considera que el Gobierno intenta desestabilizar la institucionalidad cruceña y al departamento, “que es un reducto de la lucha por la democracia”.

Por su parte, el director jurídico de la Prefectura cruceña, Vladimir Peña, aseguró que el prefecto, Rubén Costas, se presentará a declarar siempre y cuando su testimonio sea tomado en Santa Cruz. Consideró que las acusaciones de Sosa carecen de solidez, ya que se basan en las declaraciones de dos detenidos que negociaron su liberación a cualquier costo y de una persona con múltiples acusaciones. “Ya no me extraña nada de la Fiscalía. Esto es una historieta o una telenovela venezolana muy mal contada, que trata de montar algo para que todo el país crea que los líderes de la oposición realmente querían matar a Evo Morales. El fiscal Sosa le está haciendo un daño terrible a la democracia y al país, al no llevar adelante una investigación responsable”, aseguró.

Mauricio Roca, por su parte, confesó que está preocupado por lo que considera un manoseo institucional y personal de parte del Gobierno, y se considera víctima de una represalia política destinada a acallar a todos los que se pusieron al frente del Ejecutivo.

Sosa citó una conferencia de prensa para presentar un cronograma de la supuesta agrupación de terrorista, en la que se puede ver a Eduardo Rózsa como jefe del presunto grupo armado y a los abogados Hugo Achá Melgar, Alejandro Melgar Pereira y el empresario Kudelka, como los intermediarios con los financiadores. Rózsa, según Sosa, controlaba a su vez a Michael Dwyer, Árpád Magyarosi, Mario Tadic, Dudok Gabor y Daniel Gaspar. Tenía contactos con Lorgio Balcázar, empresario de radios y ex gerente del Comité, y con el consejero de administración de Cotas, Luis Alberto Hurtado Vaca, que, según datos de la Fiscalía y de la comisión de la Cámara de Diputados, fue el que pagó el hospedaje de los extranjeros de la supuesta banda de terroristas.

Rózsa, siguiendo el cronograma del Ministerio Público, también tendría contacto con el general retirado Lucio Áñez, que ya fue citado a declarar. El militar confirma que conoció a Rózsa, pero su encuentro no pasó de una charla sobre el golpe de Estado de García Meza, sobre el cual discrepó con el el boliviano-húngaro-croata. Dijo que no irá a declarar a La Paz porque tiene problemas de salud que le impiden subir a 3.600 metros sobre el nivel del mar.

Áñez es acusado por Gueder y Mendoza de haberlos contactados para unirse al grupo de Rózsa. Sosa acotó además que tiene mensajes de texto desde el celular de Áñez al de estos acusados.

El representante del Ministerio Público añadió que Tadic fue contactado por Rózsa en Croacia y que le pagó su pasaje de Madrid a Santa Cruz. Tadic, en su declaración confirmó la existencia de dos prófugos, Dudok Gabor y Daniel Gaspar, que supuestamente discutieron con Rózsa en el hotel Asturias. La función de Tadic era traducir manuales militares para la instrucción de supestas células armadas.
Gueder Bruno, por su parte, declaró que había entrenamientos en el stand de Fegasacruz de la Fexpo y que luego, por la organización de Agropecruz, se trasladaron al stand que usa Cotas. Mendoza, por su parte, asevera que acompañó a Rózsa y al resto del grupo a Trinidad, donde se reunió con dirigencia cívica que no identificó. Asegura que Héctor Laguna (funcionario de la CAO) y Mario Bruno le ofrecieron liderar el grupo.

Por su parte, Villa es el que más nombres provee a la investigación. En su declaración, leída por Sosa, señala que lo contactó Rózsa bajo el alias de Germán Aguilera y que estuvo en reuniones en la que estuvieron Marinkovic, Yovhío, Nayar, Melgar, Achá, Roca, el arquitecto Edmundo Farah, los empresarios Horacio D’Arruda y José Luis Quiroga Ottonello, el dirigente deportivo Carlos Guillén (señalado como proveedor del vehículo en el que se desplazaba Rózsa) y el funcionario de la Prefectura Francisco Cirbián.

Asimismo señaló que habló por teléfono con el prefecto Costas y que éste le ofreció una casa y una estancia a cambio de su ‘trabajo’.
También se involucró como conductor en el atentado contra la casa del cardenal Terrazas, pero dijo que Dwyer y Rózsa fueron los que lo perpetraron y que tuvieron que volver tres veces a encender la mecha, pese a que la Policía dijo que se usó explosivo plástico, que se acciona electrónicamente no por mecha.

Además de este grupo de personas, esta semana deben apersonarse a La Paz los gerentes de los hoteles Buganvilla, Santa Cruz, Asturias y Las Américas, los abogados Alejandro Melgar ( que está en Uruguay) y Hugo Achá (que está en EEUU), el gerente de Cotas, Herland Suárez Antelo, el general Lucio Áñez, el gerente de la empresa de seguridad Falcón, Miguel Salek y el consejero de Cotas, Luis Alberto Hurtado Vaca.

Además, Sosa espera la decisión del juez Sexto de Instrucción en lo Penal, Álvaro Melgarejo, si toma las declaraciones de Villa como prueba adelantada, mientras que Mendoza y Gueder tramitan su traslado a Santa Cruz, a falta de un garante que asegure que no se fugarán. Su abogado, Denver Pedraza, anunció que hoy estarán de vuelta en sus hogares.

Examen Forense

Michael Dwyer

- Murió por anemia aguda, seguido de shock hipovolémico. Tiene heridas múltiples en el tórax y en el abdomen, producidas por balazos. Recibió siete impactos: cuatro en el pecho y tres en el abdomen.
Árpád Magyarosi

- Murió de anemia aguda seguida de shock hipovolémico.

- Tiene heridas múltiples producidas por proyectil de armas de fuego.

- Recibió seis impactos: dos en el pecho y cuatro en el abdomen.

Eduardo Rózsa Flores

- Murió por traumatismo encéfalo-craneano, seguido de anemia aguda y shock hipovolémico. Tiene heridas múltiples en el tórax y en el abdomen.

- Recibió siete impactos de bala: uno en la cabeza, dos en el pecho, cuatro en el estomago. La autopsia fue hecha el 16 de abril por Antonio torres y Rafael Vargas.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Flores Was a Nazi - As Was Dwyer’s Tattoo and Nacion Camba in Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz Nazi Simbolgy

Costas Santa Cruz Governor Jeep: Yup!!! Definitely Nazis

Nazism Bolivian Style: By Cholos Meztiso Cambas

national anarchism , national socialism , revolutionary conservativism = Nazism
Mon Apr 20, 2009 04:17

Dwyers tattoo does not just contain the SS flash but the runic wolfshooks and triskelles inextricably linked with the 21st century nazi " national anarchist" and Hammerskin street scene . Which is just as fascist and racist as national socialism was .

Its just the same racist nazi shite jazzed up a little to blatantly copy and kijack the black bloccers street fashion and symbols . Flores was a nazi . The ethnic european seperatist political movement he was attached to in santa cruz Nacion Camba is openly and violently racist against native Bloivian natives .
Its fascist and racist supporters travel about in jeeps and vans with the swastika openly emblazoned upon them. Santa Cruz was a magnet for former nazi and Ustashe mebers fleeing post war europe .

Dwyer was a military fixated gun nut who did not just meet Flores in passing . Theres a number of photgrpahs out there of the 2 men socialising in each others company . Dwyer would have been in no doubt of the violent , fascist and racist nature of either Flores or Nacion Camba .

He would need to have been educationally sub normal not to know that the tattoo he recently aquired did not consist of multiple nazi insignia and emblems - SS flash , triskelle and runic wolfshooks arranged again into a triskelle .

Its also apparent that a very dodgy and repetitive campaign suggesting all of this was perfectly innocent , that Flores wasnt a nazi and that Evo Morales had these people killed for no good reason has been going on right accross Irish internet land for the last few days .

And that the line of this campaign has been the one unquestionably adopted by the Irish media yesterday . There are also heavies posted at the gates of Dwyers house in Tipp warning of any nosey parkers this is looking quite scandalous indeed and its becoming less and less apparent Dwyer was just some innocent caught up in something .

Fucking Hell: More Twists...Dwyer worked for Shell Security Company in Mayo

By Dunk
Mon Apr 20, 2009 00:18

It has been proposed on another IMC-IE thread that:
Man Killed in Bolivia was employed by a security firm to keep out protesters at the Bellanaboy site

The security firm employed by Shell to stop protests by locals against the building of the gas pipeline had employed Tipperary man Mike Dwyer at the site in the past.

Our investigations on Dwyer who was killed by a Bolivian Special Forces unit during the week in the city of Santa Cruz throw up some interesting findings. He has worked for security firm Integrated Risk Management Services IRMS based in Nass, County Kildare. It is owned by Terry Downes and James Farrell. Both Downes and Farrell are former members of the Irish Army Rangers. IRMS personnel have being working closely with the Garda at the site and one photo of such activity shows Dwyer as one of two men seem filming protestors .

It would be well worth checking out how many "tough paddys" are out in latin America, what they are up to, whos using them etc...

Perhaps there might be another one of Dwers pals out in venezuala, Cuba, el salvador, etc...

The war against democracy - why what goes on "over there" does affect Ireland and her crisis

540,000,000,000 - Why Crisis Ireland should learn from Bolivia. Time for the West to awake again
By Dunk
Sun Apr 19, 2009 21:37

Firstly Tipp dude,

Re - "It seems like Dwer WAS a typical tip dude, into guns and a bit of adventure ", sorry but you read that wrong, I was not, or never would as have plenty of tip friends myself, trying to make the point that all tip dudes, and dudettes, are into guns, they are not. I was refering to him as similar to the many tip mates I have, BUT, that he, also, was into guns and all that craic.

In terms of typical Tip, id like to throw in this gem:
Vintage Eddie Moroney Commentary

I am sorry for him and his family, it is a very sad thing, when anyone dies. sympathies to them and his mates, I remember how odd and sad it was when my own mates died young. But, with all the gun culture, tough guy films culture that we live in today, i think we have to always quesion what type of world are we living in, what that has led to and continues to lead to.

My own opinion is that which Ireland turned into over the last 15 years or so, is, in many regards, a heap of shit. When last home my own mother said to me "The Celtic Tiger drove you out of Ireland", that is partly true, i was so saddened to see things turn so much. Yes it was better in some regards, ie having more of an option as to what type of life you want, as opposed to 3 of a family of 5 having to emigrate from West Clare, as was my own mothers family story. BUT, the changes that saddened me was the shift from quite a caring, tuned in, smart, funny, generous people to a group more concerned with money, money, money. Less craic, less awareness of how the real world works, and less participation in universal thinking and action for a just, sustainable and peaceful world for all. Dont get me wrong, as a nipper we all played war games "beat the english" on the farm, practicing pitch fork throwing at bales of hay etc, but later in life moved to developing an awarness of how the world works.

I think there are quiet a few people into the adventure side of things, for others they have political ideologies which i dont support, and they use violence in promoting their shite. My own friends who are not white and who live in Dublin, have experienced a huge increase in physical rascist violence against them in only the last few months. Like much of the rest of Europe, fascism is growing "They are all here taking our jobs, screwing the welfare" (which was the exact type of shite the Irish emigrants had to put up with in England only 1 generation ago) and with that things are getting nasty. Unfortunately I have seen this swing to the right in republican circles, now that could become very very fucking nasty! More young people are starting to get into that stuff, perhaps some of it includes the type of fantasies of adventurers who fancy being a bond, or jason bourne, playing the hitman for big CIA dudes etc.... perhaps Dwer fell into this adventure catagory. Im not sure about if he really was a nazi sympathiser, from "friends" reports he seemed like a much liked fella, but a lot can change in a short time, Bolivia is many many worlds (most of my mates here in Barcelona are from Latin America) and perhaps his thinking changed, maybe he had a bit of a manic streak and just got into a bad adventure which unfortunately turned out bad. Or maybe he actually got into the full nazi thing and did indeed get that tatoo with the somewhat hidden SS in it and from that did actually conspire with the complex characrter of Flores (again, check out his politics: + to assisinate Morales? im sure in time that will become known.

Now in response to Josie, who stated "Our everyday economic lives in Ireland are worrying enough without having to fantasize about Bolivian political intrigue." As stated above, I dont like the "new" Ireland, my view is that Ireland and much of the world is in the shite, because The corportate sysytem has dumbed us down to such an extent by mindless films and culture (what are posh and becks up to no?) that we have switched of our understanding of the workings of the world, not participated in the process of organising our own lives etc. And as a result have got what we deserve; to be taken for a ride by a crowd of thieves. Now with the "crisis" and "recession" people have learned the hard way; the system is shite, and in the end fucks you. BUT, now that people have waken up, they are asking "how the fuck", "what the fuck, "why the fuck" and thats a healthy thing.

As to a healthier system, of which is probably the best example on the planet, for many like me it is about ordinary people organising themselves, their families, their communities, their countries. That, in theory, is how proper democracy is supposed to work. For many, HOPE is an important thing, and Bolivia, along with much of Latin America is providing that in bundles. Now, if Morales was assisinated, that would suit a lot of corporate vested interests. But he wasnt and Bolivia still continues to inspire. In support of these points id direct you to the first 2 embedded films, Pilgers "the war against democracy" and the John Perkins interview about CIA using "jackels" to enter countries to take out "bad guys".

If and when you start to learn more about participative democracy, learn more about how Bolivia works, then maybe, Josie and others, ye might start to really work for a saner Ireland (Christ it needs it). For example, Bolivan people, the Quechua speaking indigineos simply stood up and said "fuck off" to the multi nationals who bought out the water system and started increasing the cost of water (perfect exampe of how and why neo liberal capitalist model does not work, unless your in the top 3% who has all the cash...). Now if Ireland was to take a leaf out of the Bolivian book, they would see how our resources in Rossport were sold off to thieves by thieves, they would get angry and they would support Shell to Sea and demand our resources for us (crisis, what crisis, the gas would inject 540 BILLION into irelands pocket; ) But that is not the case, YET.

On a side note, at the second rossport solidarity camp, there were people from Bolivia there. There to make the link that "our struggle, is your struggle", unfortunately only a handfull of people were there to speak with them from our tiny little island.

But to offer HOPE, Ireland is changing, as I stated on other post under "Global Crisis and the Re-Session" from afar the DOOM AND GLOOM OF RECESSION is all you hear, but at home the one thing that i heard time and time again was "the best thing to happen Ireland is that this recession has come, peopel have woken up again".

Summary is we live in a totally interconnected world, so thinking global acting local is about the healthiest thing you can do. With that, keeping Latin America growing healthier and healthier is very important, learning from them and doing it in your local makes sense, so with that if your not already doing it, please start.

A friend made an important point:
What we really should be talking about is why this assassination story is different.

After all there have been 6 reported plots to kill Morales.

& the last 5 were "foiled" by the combination of Venezuelan and Cuban intelligence work, as you all remember both Chavez and Castro undertook to guarantee Morales' life after the first plot.

Another thing that makes it different is the reaction of the Irish media.

National Anarchism is Good Old Fashioned Fascism (About Flores)

by MH
Sun Apr 19, 2009 20:37

Flores was undoubtedly a fascist , no doubt about that at all so therefore his motivation to become involved in such a plot would be both ideological and financial . With young Mr Dwyer that remains unclear . He was most definitely in the company of a highly motivated and trained fascist mercenary who openly identified himself with a fascist ideology . And newly acquired himself a very large tattoo which incorprorated the SS insignia into its design .
Such tattoos are very common among the ultra right in europe who also espouse " national anarchism" and seek to blend and infiltrate nazism into the street style of the anarchist and anti fascist youth culture which physically stands in its way on the streets and housing estates of many european capitals in the 21st century . Much as "national socialism" did in the early 20th century . It also clear the young man was deeply fixated with militarism , guns and uniforms and appeared to place his personal identity within this sphere to a large extent and publicise that .
According to some of his freinds and indeed a newspaper this morning he had been sent to Bolivia for training by a security firm . Posts on his Bebo from some months back indicate his employer was generous enough to provide him with a BMW motorcar . Its alleged in the Sunday Times that security firm was Galway based . It appears Mr Dwyer had indeed previously worked for a Galway based security firm . Someone who claims to know Mr Dwyer and whos been personally striving to set the record stratight on his behalf for a few days now on claims he knows the identity of the security firm but claims its nobodys business . He also denies working for it .

However no security firm seems to be taking responsibility for him at the current moment or admitting any link to him and indeed it was left up to an Irish diplomat based in Argentina to actually travel some thousands of miles to Bolivia in order to confirm that an Irish citizen had died and make arrangements for hsi remains to be returned to his family ..
If he was being employed by a security firm it would appear his employer has been very remiss in their responsibilities as an employer and for whatever reason is quite anxious not to be associated with this young man in any manner shape or form . Thus far the Bolivian government have not made mention of his employer either .

Therefore I believe the sooner this security firm is identified , or discounted , from this scenario the sooner the truth of what happened can be more fully established .

Lets hope it wasnt involved in any murky goings on around Mayo . Oil and gas and all that

Irish activist, grassroots community, response to "national anarchism" and its hungarian "fighter"

Michael Dwyer’s tattoo while hanging around with "neo fascists", see the SS bit at bottom, bit odd, no?
By Dunk
Sun Apr 19, 2009 14:29

It seems like Dwyer WAS a typical tip dude, into guns and a bit of adventure (perhaps had a normal enoug Irish romantic RA streak and fancied himself a bit of a Dan Breen), he worked as a bouncer in galway before heading to boliva, he was there for 116 days, got a lot of cash quickly (enough to buy a BMW), possibly was recruited by a US "security" firm (possible/ probable CIA front), started to hang around with above "ultra right" "freedom fighter", got SS tatoo on his arm (see attachment photo, taken from, taken from his bebo site), got into world of "action" (like a bond movie, taking out bad guys etc) that ended up with him shot through the chest. the situation in santa cruz looks well dodgy, far from a half hour shoot out (no cartridges, gun shots in walls etc) looks like the 3 were executed, at least one had hands tied behind back in the morgue, Bolivia is far far
away from Euro cop behaviour (we have torture and assisination aswell, but normally not open and blatant...) we have to see how this unfolds...

There has been much discussion on and other areas as to the exact political take the gang leader, Rózsa Flores, had on the world, he described himself as a "conservative anarchist revolutionary". He set up the hungarian national anarchist group amongst other things, this group and ideology is branded right / ultra right by most anarchist, leftist, anti fascist, anti rascist groups. As this story grows in irish, and beyond, media, i think it would be good for such leftist groups above to openly oppose and state reasons for opposition of this guy and his ideology. (im not sure how much anti-fa exist in ireland)

On a side note, it is strange/ sad how little discussion has appeared on imc-ie regarding this story. Perhaps it is that the com-space is now not used at the same level that it was, or perhaps the story is not of too much importance for irish activists?¿??, Whereas on there is a huge amount of commentry. Eitherway, , i feel, the irish activist, grassroots community need to discuss this issue and come up with some sort of collective response.

Ok, over to ye now.

regards from BCN


Irish Times names Micheal Dwyer as the deceased

Michael Dwyer : gun loving normal Tip lad in wrong place or ultra right Jackal?

By Dunk
Sat Apr 18, 2009 09:09

Family member confirms the identity of man killed in Bolivia

A member of the family of Michael Dwyer (25), from Ballinderry, near Borrisokane, Co Tipperary, confirmed last night that he had died in unexplained circumstances while travelling in Bolivia.

Alvaro Garcia Linera, Bolivia’s vice-president, claimed at a press conference on Thursday that “a band of terrorist mercenaries, Croatians, Irish and Bolivians” had tried to kill President Evo Morales, and intended to destabilise the country’s left-wing government.

It is understood some of the group had been working in private security in the US. The two other men killed in the shoot-out were a Hungarian man and a Bolivian man with Croatian citizenship who had fought in the Balkan wars.

Boliva gang 'also targetted Cardinal'

In a press conference in Venezuela where he is attending a regional summit, Mr Morales said Bolivia’s police had the group under surveillance since April 3rd and he gave the order to arrest them.

Mr Morales has accused right-wing politicians and business leaders in Santa Cruz of organizing violent protests there last year to try to destabilize his government. On Thursday, he said the rightist opposition wanted to "riddle us with bullets," referring to himself and the vice president.

Mr Farfan said the suspected plotters tried to blow up a navy boat on which Morales met with Cabinet ministers two weeks ago and aimed to trigger "a spiral of violence" in Bolivia.

Democracy Now:

meanwhile a full interview with the strange gang leader is on IMC-BOLIVIA

Entrevista a Eduardo Rozsa Flores uno de los terroristas acribillados en Santa Cruz - Bolivia

You can use Google translater for a rough translation

UK Times article online about the shooting + Balkan National-Anarchist gang leader

By Dunk
Fri Apr 17, 2009 22:27

Irishman killed after 'plot to assassinate Bolivian president'
An Irishman gunned down by an elite army unit during a botched attempt to assassinate Evo Morales, the President of Bolivia, was accused today of being a soldier of fortune serving with an extremist Balkans group.

The alleged assassins detonated a grenade inside a hotel to which they had fled, blowing out its windows amid the gunfight, according to police. Three of the suspects, identified by state media as Hungarian, Irish and Bolivian, were killed.

It seems a bit dodgy though, as all 3 of the dead were found in their boxers, which seems there was no long fire fight in the building they fled into, but that they were shot, watch the vid on from Bolivia TV - PAT BOLIVIA which is on the Hungarian blog to get a very visual account of the proceedings. BEWARE, it is full on.
much vids are on PAT BOLIVIA´s youtube site:

Heres a summing up vid:
PAT BOLIVIA - Informe Final Policial Caso Terorrista

The comments on the site are leading to lots of very strange and some well fucked up links. It seems the leader of the Balkan mercenary ultra right gang, Eduardo Rosza Flores, who did aid work in sudan and iraq and who has done journalist work for BBC and La Vanguardia in Spain and whose Dad is a supposedly famous artist, was in oped dei and then turned to islam, goes under the political banner of beyond national socialism (nazism) to national anarchism (wiki - )

other links etc:

and more

Confirmed: Michael "The Jackal" Dwyer- shot dead in Bolivia, perhaps wrong place wrong time?

Confirmed: Michael "The Jackal" Dwyer- shot dead in Bolivia. PERHAPS in coup attempt on Morales

Michael "The Jackal" Dwyer (second from left) playing gun games with friends before Bolivian blood bath

Confirmed: Michael "The Jackal" Dwyer- shot dead in Bolivia, perhaps wrong place wrong time?

By Dunk
Fri Apr 17, 2009 19:42

The real Michael Dwyer has been sourced. He was a 24 year old from Ballinderry, co Tip, he was into guns, signed himself "The Jeckel" on his Bebo site, seemed harmless and perhaps ended up in the wrong place at wrong time. But, perhaps he got a bit too interested in gun games, eitherway he ended up dead with professional Croat and or Hungarian mercenarys linked to ultra right fascist paramilitary groups, so who knows? The Department of Foreign Affairs says an official from its embassy in Argentina is travelling to Bolivia to check things out and confirm his identity. His dead body is the front page on Todays El mundo paper in Bolivia, the paper also has a detailed article with timeline of the events which led to the shoot out in Santa Cruz.

He was first linked from site by Mr Crowley from Tyrone who later states "grew up watching friends die violent deaths and politicians gloating about it on the TV so I can understand what his friends are feeling. .":
Pictures of a Michael Dwyer gun fetishist who has recently been in Bolivia with a link to his bebo on this site. I think it's him alright as there is an 'RIP bro' message from one of his buddies.
He looks like a right tosser, only 24 too.

Which links to Latino site, Inca Cola, in which there has been posted:
Is this the Irish would-be assassin of Evo Morales?

Sure fits. Thanks to some quick work by reader RM, check out this Bebo page on a certain Michael Dwyer. ( )

Let's check the points in common

1) Is Irish
2) Loves guns and fancies himself as a sniper
3) Is definitely in South America and according to messages left by friends is in Bolivia
4) Has Bruce Willis's "The Jackal" as the answer to his "What kind of Assassin are You?" profile box
5) Thinks he's hard
6) Member of an Irish battlefield simulation club

Sure looks like a possible to me. Has anyone seen this man mooching round Santa Cruz recently? Well sure looks that way, as this photo from his Bebo album has him placed in the eastern Bolivia area 116 days ago.

Plenty of discussion on about this guy, much of it heated over photos etc, heres some of it:
Reading his bebo page is quite sad actually. He seems to be a young man with notions, not a fascist coup-monger. He seems to have a lot of friends in Tipp who missed him... I'm wondering now how involved he was or whether he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

You have to wonder how the hell he got recruited into this 'new job and new BMW'. He was obviously lured some way or another and there should be an investigation to see if this is linked to anyone in Ireland.

There are messages on his site from friends and from what I assume is his sister over the last few weeks worrying about him and asking when he will be coming home.

It would be pretty pathetic to be getting ready to assassinate the President of a country while completing 'what assassin are you' surveys on your bebo.

the shoot out happended in a hotel. Would it be possible that he met up with some gun enthusiasts that were members of some group and he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

you people how dare you - you do not know Mike Dwyer i do and u are sick people for looking at his bebo and commenting on his pictures. for the record he was not a terrorist or involved in the IRA as previous comments have sugessted he was 24 yrs old he was in the wrong place at the wrong time

By the way, my condolences to you, it is very sad that someone so young should die in this way and so far from home, and must be devastating for his family.

If you knew him then you have here a perfect opportunity to set the record straight. You could start by answering these questions:
- 1. How did he come to be in Bolivia, who hired him and how?
- 2. What was his 'new job' that enabled him to drive a 'new BMW' as he stated on his bebo site?

Hungarian online paper gives summary in English and short vid. In it the gang leader, Rozsa-Flores, had been in contact with a Hungarian with an Irish surname, Zoltan Brady, perhaps this is the connection which brought Micheal Dwyer into the picture?
Hungarians involved in plot against Bolivian president - VIDEO

The Bolivian El Deber news agency reported on its website that police had circled the group in Hotel Las Americas in Santa Cruz in the early hours of Thursday, killing Eduardo Rozsa Flores, Arpad Magyarosi ands Michael Martin Dwyer, and arresting Mario Tadic and Elod Toaso.

Bolivian Vice-President Alvaro Garcia Linera branded the group as championing a "far-right fascist ideology" and blamed them for former bomb attacks on the house of a minister and a cardinal. The vice-president claimed that they were plotting to kill President Morales.

Rozsa-Flores acted the lead in a Hungarian feature film shot in 2001 under the title "Chico". He was born in Santa Cruz in 1960 of a Hungarian father and Spanish mother. The family moved to Chile in 1972, then to Sweden and, in 1975, to Hungary.

Graduating from a Hungarian university and dubbing himself a "conservative, anarchist world revolutionary," he fought in the Croatian war in the early 1990s. In recognition of his heroism, Croatian President Franjo Tudjman promoted him to the rank of major.

It seems Irish media has still not named the dead Irish man. An RTE piece here contains the latest report and an audio file about the goings on. It talks about the history of Irish acting as illegal mercenarys in coup attempts and legal security firms

Irish official travels to Bolivia amid claims

Heres Evo Morales denouncing the mercanary act on Bolivia TV

Evo Morales - atentados y hechos de terrorismo en Santa Cruz - Abr. 2009

Alberto Farfán - vice prime minister of the government, speaks about the goings on

3 terroristas son abatidos, 2 son detenidos y se descubre un arsenal en Santa Cruz - Abr 2009

What ever the outcome of how connected Micheal Dwyer was, we will see. But playing army and the tough man, in some cases, does lead to getting mixed up with lots of messy dark things, including full on fascist action, some sentiments of which were expressed on

No to wars, imperialism, exploitation.
Yes to Justice, Peace, peoples revolution for a better world.

Viva Bolivia and all her people, their camino is showing a way toward a healthier, more sustainable and Just World

Racism, Violence and Neo Nazism: Politics as Usual in Santa Cruz Boliv


What's happening in Bolivia? - Indymedia Ireland

Racism, Violence and Neo Nazism: Politics as usual in Santa Cruz Boliv... Police chief Hugo Escobar said two Hungarians and one Bolivian were killed in ... - 195k - Cached

By the Irish News
By Dunk
Thu Apr 16, 2009 21:56

Morales claims assassination bid

Bolivian President Evo Morales said today that security forces had thwarted a plan to assassinate him along with top officials, killing three foreigners in a half-hour shootout at a hotel.

Police chief Hugo Escobar said two Hungarians and one Bolivian were killed in the shootout in the Bolivian city of Santa Cruz.


Noam Chomsky on the Global Economic Crisis, Health Care, U.S. Foreign Policy and Resistance to American Empire

Latin America, for the first time in 500 years, is moving towards a degree of independence and a kind of integration, which is a prerequisite for independence

Bolivia is, in my opinion at least, probably the most democratic country in the world. Nobody says that, but if you look at what happened in the last couple of years, there were huge, popular, mass organizations of the most repressed population in the hemisphere, the indigenous population, which for the first time ever has entered the political arena significantly and were able to elect a president from their own ranks and one who doesn’t give instructions to his army, but who’s following policies that were largely produced by the population. So he’s their representative, in a sense in which democracy is supposed to work.

And they know the issues. It’s not like our elections. They know the issues. They’re serious issues: control over resources, economic justice, cultural rights, and so on. You can say they’re right or wrong, but at least it’s functioning.

Film about Bolivia and much more from the inspirational continent of Latin America

The War On Democracy A film by John Pilger (09/10/2007 )

New film from award-winning documentary maker John Pilger which suggests that, far from bringing democracy to the world as it claims, the US is doing its best to stifle its progress. Talking exclusively to American government officials, including agents who reveal for the first time on film how the CIA ran its war in Latin America in the 80s, Pilger argues that true popular democracy is more likely to be found among the poorest in Latin America, whose movements are often ignored in the West.

Michael Dwyer - fake name of old United Irishmen republican?
by dunk Fri Apr 17, 2009 09:40

Michael Dwyer (1772–1825) was a Society of the United Irishmen leader in the 1798 rebellion. He later fought a guerilla campaign against the British Army in the Wicklow Mountains from 1798-1803. Dwyer was a cousin of Anne Devlin who would later achieve fame for her loyalty to the rebel cause following the suppression of Robert Emmet's rebellion.

"Michael Dwyer" one of John Perkins´ "Jackal" friends
By Dunk: Fri Apr 17, 2009 13:58

John Perkins spoke nearly 2 years ago on Democracy Now about how the dark world of “the jackals” and international assisination worked, especially in the region of Latin America, (as earlier outlined in the Pilger film) which the US tried to dominate, and now looks like it has failed. Only days ago, another country, one which saw horrific terrorism from US sponsored groups in the past, El Salvador, voted in another latino leftist governement. As the Guardian outlines::
Last Sunday's election in El Salvador, in which the leftist FMLN (Farabundo Martí Front for National Liberation) won the presidency, didn't get a lot of attention in the international press. It's a relatively small country (7 million people on land the size of Massachusetts) and fairly poor (per capita income about half the regional average). And left governments have become the norm in Latin America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela have all elected left governments over the last decade. (Also leftist regimes/ governments include Chile, Cuba and Nicaragua) South America is now more independent of the United States than Europe is.

Anyway, back to Evo in Bolivia. Were his and his country peoples standing up against economic imperialism too much for the powers? Heres possible hows and whys that have led to the death of "Michael Dwyer":
...And it’s interesting that in the few instances when economic hit men fail, what we call “the jackals,” who are people who come in to overthrow governments or assassinate their leaders, also come out of private industry. These are not CIA employees. We all have this image of the 007, the government agent hired to kill, you know, with license to kill, but these days the government agents, in my experience, don’t do that. It’s done by private consultants that are brought in to do this work. And I’ve known a number of these individuals personally and still do.

Some time later, and to a far wider audience, his views were expressed on the controversial second Zeitgeist film (part 1 was a cult conspiracy theory film that was highest watched film on google video for a while).

Part II is a documentary-style interview with The New York Times best-selling author and activist John Perkins based on his book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, in which he describes his role as a self-described economic hit man. In that capacity, he claims to have helped the CIA, as well as various corporate and political entities, to undermine or corrupt foreign regimes that put the interests of their populations before those of transnational corporations. Perkins denies the existence of a conspiracy, because he sees the U.S. as a corporatocracy, in which there is no need for a plot, as politicians like Dick Cheney (who first served as the head of a construction company Halliburton and afterwards became Vice President) are alleged of working under the same primary assumption as corporations: that maximisation of profits is first priority, regardless of any social or environmental cost.

Democracy Now (June 05, 2007) John Perkins on “The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption”
How To Destabalize Countries Legally .Economic Hitman Part 1
John Perkins section on google video

El Salvador votes away its bad past
The left's electoral victory put an end to US meddling and proved that Salvadoran democracy is no regional threat

Further coverage:
RTE + tv : Irish person implicated in Morales plot

Guardian: Bolivian police shoot dead Irish man over alleged plot to kill president
Suspects from Hungary and Croatia, as well as Ireland, suspected of attempting to assassinate president Evo Morales

La Razon: Evo instruyó el operativo de Santa Cruz y dice que querían acribillarlo

Latin America is now more independent of the US than Europe

"The War On Democracy" A film by John Pilger

The War On Democracy A film by John Pilger Excellent Google Video
To Remember and Do Not Forget The Peoples Democracy Fighters History in Venezuela, Chile and Bolivia.

Para Recordar y No Olvidarse de la Historia de Los Luchadores de la Democracia de Venezuela Chile y Bolivia.

This is a New 1h:33min. film from award-winning documentary maker John Pilger which suggests that, far from bringing democracy to the world as it claims, the US is doing its best to stifle its progress. Talking exclusively to American government officials, including agents who reveal for the first time on film how the CIA ran its war in Latin America in the 80s, Pilger argues that true popular democracy is more likely to be found among the poorest in Latin America, whose movements are often ignored in the West

What’s happening in Bolivia? From the Irish News

This is an interesting Irish Comment:
by Alan MacSimoin
Friday November 28, 2008 14:30

Big Business doesn’t like what’s happening in South America. The election of reforming governments in Peru and Ecuador might have been a bearable irritant but that Chavez guy in Venezuela has really got up their noses. In Bolivia sections of the local ruling class got so riled up that they tried to overthrow President Morales in September. The US ruling class, in collusion with local bosses, is trying to destabilise political and economic reforms. As they see it, too much is going to workers and peasants, and not enough into their own coffers.
It certainly isn’t socialism, the working class is not in control nor is an economy based on need rather than profit being created. But there has been some real redistribution of wealth to the poor.

In the past, when people tried to tackle the power of the elites they were met with military coups, torture and death squads. The White House and their fellow free marketeers have never had any problem throwing parliamentary democracy and human rights out the window whenever their profits were threatened. The fact that Morales and his ‘Movement Towards Socialism’ won 67.4% of the national vote in a referendum as recently as August 10th is no protection.

Limited land reform

The limited land reform programme gave a good example. Since Morales came to power, 100,000 hectares of land have been taken from large landowners and returned to poor peasants and co-operatives. The two million poorest peasants live on just five million hectares.

At the other end of the social scale, one hundred families own a colossal twenty-five million hectares. Those parasites were never going to accept the proposal to limit land ownership to between 1,000 and 10,000 hectares. From their base in the ‘Half Moon’ provinces, they set about trying to overthrow the government. It is just one of their targets, they also want to destroy trade unions and peasant movements, and undo the improvements of recent years.

On September th, a coup was attempted in Santa Cruz by large landowners, ranchers and drug traffickers. Government buildings were taken over and roadblocks set up to cut off the city. The local airport was seized, with access only possible through checkpoints controlled by right-wing militias. The extreme right UJC marched, in military uniform, through the poorest shantytowns, where most people support Morales. This followed the murder of 30 peasants in Pando, all of whom were Morales supporters.

The government sent in the army and the country was taken to the brink of civil war. The US ambassador was expelled for “actively backing” the right-wing forces. Not being supported by the rest of the ruling class or any significant section of the army, the coup plotters backed down, having been promised ‘negotiations’ with the government.

The lessons of Chile

Drawing on their own bitter experience of the Pinochet coup, the anarchists of the Chilean Libertarian Communist Organisation have cautioned “there is no possibility of dialogue with the putschists: it would simply enable the bourgeoisie and imperialism to align their forces to make the decisive blow, which would lead the Bolivian popular movement into butchery of untold proportions. That is why it is so urgent to take forceful measures against the paramilitary groups operating in the “Half Moon” and against any coup-inclined, middle- and high-ranking officers in Bolivian Armed Forces”.

The negotiations may result in a temporary stand off but this won’t last long. New battles are certain as long as the opposition of interests between the majority of the population and the elite remains unresolved. This could take the form of an attempted coup by dissident sections of the military, in conjunction with the right-wing-led provinces of the ‘half moon’ and a lockout by employers.

The overwhelming support for Morales reflects an optimism that big change is possible. Unfortunately the MAS are seeking to channel this into creating a ‘capitalism with a human face’ rather than a socialist revolution. The vice-President, Alvaro García Linera, has called it “Andean capitalism” and a “necessary stage”.

MAS has already begun to come into conflict with some of the unions, especially the miners. The call for a guaranteed state funded pension at (life expectancy in Bolivia is only 62) was rejected by the government as “unviable”. When some workers called strikes and protests to demand these reforms, they were attacked by the government as “agents of the right-wing”.

The sad lesson of Chile is that those who make only half a revolution dig their own graves. The ruling class will not passively surrender its power and wealth, never in all of human history has that happened. Nor will it be fooled into doing so if we move slowly.

The anarchist movement in Bolivia is saying that the power of the right has to be dismantled. That means dismantling capitalism and replacing it with a worker controlled economy geared towards satisfying human needs, where the people exercise direct control through their own democratic assemblies and councils.